Dear Ms. Venkatraman,

We have some questions for you as an author, and about The Bridge Home. We’ve each listed them in the comments below. We look forward to hearing your thoughts…and to reading next week’s section of The Bridge Home.

The Book Cavaliers

19 thoughts on “Dear Ms. Venkatraman,”

  1. What part of the story did you enjoy to write the most?
    Was there a part of the story that was especially hard to write?
    – Matthewturtle001

  2. Why did you make Viji so overprotective of Rukku? Why does Viji not let Rukku do things she wants to do?
    From: AJ

  3. Why did you decide to give the characters their names and characteristics?(mental disabilities, hard pasts, families, etc.)
    – Nathaniel

  4. Why did you make certain decisions in the story? As in, why did you decide the book should be about a bridge home, or why did Rukku have a disability?
    Thank you,

    1. Because there’s a reason behind the story that and why they ran away was because they didn’t want to by there dad. And get abused like what he did to there mother, and they had a chance to run and they made the decision. And the reason why Rukku has a disability
      because of the way she was born.


  5. Ms. Venkatraman,
    How did you come up with the idea of all of the people not being able to see Viji and Rukku even though they had nice clothes and looked healthy when the first left home?

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